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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 2 Improvement Project

Beltrami County

About the project

Hwy 2 Bemidji map
Series of RCIs on Hwy 2 Bemidji project map.
Finished Reduced Conflict Intersection

In the summer of 2021 a series of reduced conflict intersections (RCIs) is scheduled to be constructed on Hwy 2 between Beltrami County Road 14, in Wilton, and Beltrami County Road 9. During the project, 48 new LED lighting units will also be installed along the corridor to improve lighting and safety.

Summary of work

  • For more information on how these intersections work, see below or visit our webpage on RCIs.

Reduced conflict intersections

Reduced conflict intersections decrease fatalities and injuries caused by T-bone crashes on four-lane divided highways. In some parts of the country RCIs are sometimes referred to as J-turns, R-CUTs, Michigan Lefts.


  • RCIs improve safety, with up to a 70 percent reduction in injury crashes nationwide
  • Currently there are over 30 RCIs in the state
  • They’ve been built on some of the state’s most dangerous intersections
  • There have been no fatal or severe injury crashes at any of them
  • Minnesota’s first RCI was built on Hwy 71 in Willmar in 2010
    • Prior to construction the intersection averaged 9 crashes per year
    • In the 10 years since, there have been only 3 total (none were severe/fatal)

How do they work?

While on Hwy 2

  1. Left turn onto cross street: enter left turn lane on Hwy 2, make a u-turn
  2. Left turn onto cross street: enter left turn lane on Hwy 2, make a u-turn
  3. Right turn onto cross street: no change
  4. Left turn onto cross street: no change.

While on Cross Street

  1. Right turn onto Hwy 2: no change
  2. Left turn onto Hwy 2: turn right onto Hwy 2, make a u-turn
  3. Cross intersection (to remain on cross street): turn right onto Hwy 2, make a u-turn, turn right onto cross street.

Understanding reduced conflict intersections

With an RCI, drivers from the side street only have to be concerned with one direction of traffic on the highway at a time. You don’t need to wait for a gap in both directions to cross a major road. Traditional four-lane divided highway intersections have an elevated risk of severe right-angle crashes (commonly called “T-bone” crashes), especially for drivers attempting to cross all four lanes of traffic or turn left. At a traditional intersection, motorists from the side street need to look in both directions to cross a four-lane divided highway. Left turns require the same level of attention.

Traffic impacts

  • Lane closures and lane shifts
  • There will be a temporary detour for County Road 9 during Stage 1 of the project. The detour for County Road 9 will include Hwy 89 and Beltrami County Road 22.
Hwy 2 Bemidji detour map
Series of RCIs on Hwy 2 Bemidji detour map.