MnDOT will reconstruct, resurface and make pedestrian updates in the urban areas of Howard Lake,Waverly and Montrose. Work will begin first in Howard Lake in late April.
Motorists: Lane closures or shifts, flaggers, temporary access changes and possible detour Pedestrians: Sidewalk closures, signed detours
A rectangular rapid flashing beacon warns motorists that pedestrians are within the crosswalk
Summary of 2025 work
Resurface Hwy 12 with a new asphalt road surface from west of Summerfield Dr. to First St. S
Reconstruct or repair concrete curbs, gutters and entrances
Improve and update pedestrian access, includes sidewalk bumpouts and update pedestrian flasher system's at the intersection of Co. Rd. 8 SW and Fourth St. S/Co. Rd. 62
Future impacts
Motorists: Lane closures or shifts, flaggers, temporary access changes Pedestrians: Sidewalk closures, signed detours
Summary of 2025 work
Resurface Hwy 12 with a new asphalt surface from east of Clementa Ave. to east of Zephyr Ave. in Montrose
Reconstruct or repair concrete curbs, gutters and entrances
Add a center turn lane at Zephyr Ave. and Arizona Ave. in east Montrose to improve access.
Reconstruct the Hwy 12 intersection at Hwy 25 and Wright Co. Rd. 12/Buffalo Ave. S, to improve the truck turning radius and pedestrian crosswalk
Future impacts
Motorists: Lane closures or shifts, flaggers, temporary access changes Pedestrians: Sidewalk closures, signed detours