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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Government Affairs

Orange barrels on a highway

Federal government


Federal funding for transportation projects is provided through an authorization bill and appropriation bills, which are multi-year policy and funding bills that authorize funding for a specific purpose but do not appropriate the money. The creation of transportation authorization bills begin in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Appropriation bills provide money to pay for the programs that are authorized and under the jurisdiction of the Appropriation Committee.

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA) bill into law. This bipartisan-developed bill is a transformational five-year surface transportation reauthorization bill (FFY2022-2026) with higher funding levels and many new formula and discretionary grant programs that will expand the definition of transportation infrastructure and address health and community-driven outcomes. Minnesota’s five-year highway apportionment is $4.8 billion.

Congressional briefing

MnDOT works closely with the Minnesota members of congress on transportation policy issues and on communicating updates on important transportation projects throughout the state. Our congressional briefing provides Minnesotans and their representatives with transportation updates organized by congressional district.