Pavement Design
We provide technical expertise on pavement design, determine timing of seasonal load restrictions, and administer the pavement-type selection process. We also maintain and operate non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment for district testing, including falling-weight deflectometers (FWD) and a skid truck and trailer for friction testing.
MnDOT pavement design and other programs
MnDOT Pavement Design Manual, templates, consultant contracting and other documents
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
LCCA Project Review
Review project details and submit comments.
LCCA Workbooks - prices updated 7/11/2024
Excel macro workbooks for each district to calculate initial construction costs and perform life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Version 4 1/29/2025. Digital signature expires 5/25/2026.
Falling-weight deflectometer (FWD)
Falling-weight deflectometer (FWD) testing information
Friction (skid) testing information
Seasonal Load Limits
Information on Winter Load Increases and Spring Load Restrictions