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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

March 4, 2024

Latest news releases

MnDOT to host public meeting for Hwy 73 Cromwell to Kettle River corridor study

DULUTH, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation is hosting a public meeting on Thursday, March 14, to give an update on the Hwy 73 corridor study from Cromwell to Kettle River. The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. in the Cromwell Pavilion, 5577 Cromwell Park Dr., Cromwell, MN 55726.

There will be a brief presentation on the corridor study and some possible alternatives, followed by time for questions and answers. For those unable to attend, materials will be posted online after the meeting. There will also be a public survey posted online to gather feedback on the alternatives.

For more corridor study information and a link to the survey, visit
