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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

March 22, 2024

Latest news releases

Tree, brush removal along Snelling Avenue signals upcoming start of reconstruction between Ford Parkway and Montreal Avenue in St. Paul

ROSEVILLE, Minn. –  The Minnesota Department of Transportation will begin removing trees and brush along the east side of Highway 51/Snelling Avenue between Ford Parkway and Montreal Avenue on Wednesday, March 27, prior to the start of reconstruction in mid-June. Construction crews will clear trees and brush along the Highland National Golf Course from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27. During the work, motorists will encounter a single lane of northbound traffic.

All construction activities and traffic impacts are weather permitting and subject to change. If needed, work will continue Thursday, March 28.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will reconfigure Snelling Ave. between Montreal Ave. and Ford Pkwy. in St. Paul from mid-June through late August 2024. This traffic safety project will construct a center median, reconstruct the traffic signal at Montreal Ave. and Snelling Ave., reduce traffic to one lane in each direction with dedicated left turns at the median breaks, remove parking along Snelling Ave. and construct a new 10-foot multi-use trail on the east side of Snelling Ave.

For more information, and to sign up for email updates, visit the Hwy 51/Snelling Avenue St. Paul webpage.

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