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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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News releases

March 24, 2024

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First Avenue, 11th Street closures in Moorhead to begin March 27

DETROIT LAKES, Minn. – In anticipation of the expected winter weather, the contractor will delay the Stage 1A closures on First Avenue and 11th Street in Moorhead for the 11th Street underpass project until Wednesday, March 27, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

On Wednesday, First Avenue will close between 10th Street and 12th Street, and 11th Street will close between Second Ave North and Main Avenue, with the intersections at Center Avenue and Main Avenue remaining open to traffic. Motorists traveling to/from north Moorhead will use 14th Street North, Fourth Avenue North and Ninth Street North, and east/west traffic will follow Eighth Street North, Center Avenue and 14th Street.

The 11th Street Grade Separation project includes two grade separations of 11th Street under the BNSF rail lines, as well as paving, sidewalk improvements, utility replacements and signals. The project will provide safety and mobility benefits by removing blockages caused by heavy rail traffic. The work will be completed in stages starting March 2024 through November 2026.

For more information and to sign up for project progress emails, visit

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