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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

March 28, 2024

Latest news releases

Watch for workers on Highway 5 between Gaylord and Arlington

MANKATO, Minn. – Motorists are advised to use caution on Highway 5 from Gaylord to Arlington starting April 3, weather permitting, as crews work to install rip rap (rock) to prevent erosion, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

The project includes the placement of rip rap along the waterways at two different bridge locations near Highway 5 from approximately three miles north of Gaylord to the city of Arlington.

Motorists will encounter shoulder closures during the project and should be aware of trucks hauling material in the project area. Drivers should remove distractions and be aware of workers.

The project is expected to be complete in mid-April, weather permitting.

Holtmeier Construction was awarded the project with a bid of $185,534.21.

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Work zone reminders

  • Drive the speed limit. It helps create a consistent, more predictable traffic flow for everyone.
  • Don’t drive distracted. Drivers need to be alert especially in work zones, which constantly change due to lane shifts, closures and moving workers and vehicles.
  • Move over to give workers room to safely complete their work.
  • Avoid unnecessary lane changes.
  • Be patient; expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
