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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

April 4, 2024

Latest news releases

Reconstruction and improvements coming to 1.2-mile stretch of Hwy 56 in LeRoy in 2024; Public meeting set for April 15

LEROY, Minn. – The public is invited to attend an in-person information meeting on Monday, April 15 in LeRoy to learn more about the upcoming Highway 56 reconstruction project, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

The open house style meeting will be held in person from 3 to 5 p.m. on Monday, April 15 at the LeRoy Community Center, 204 West Main Street, LeRoy, MN. People may arrive at any time to learn about the project, ask questions and sign up for updates. No formal presentation is planned.

MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all.  If you need an ASL, foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at or call 651-366-4720.

Project details

Construction is expected to begin May 6 with the majority of it to finish in October. Prime contractor Rochester Sand and Gravel will reconstruct 1.2 miles of Highway 56 through LeRoy. Work includes the following.

  • Reconfiguring Mower County Road 12, Hwy 56 and Main Street E. intersection to improve safety by reducing vehicle speeds while maintaining efficient traffic flow
  • Constructing a cul-de-sac west of Mower County Road 12
  • Creating a buffer zone between traffic and parking from Mather Street to Everett Street for biking
  • Improving school crosswalk safety by constructing a bump out at Mower County Road 14 and creating a wider school parking zone
  • Replacing aging storm water, sanitary sewer and water main utilities underneath Highway 56
  • Extending water main past Ada Street
  • Replacing and install new curb and gutter
  • Replacing and install new sidewalks
  • Landscaping, such as adding trees to boulevards (likely in 2025)


Construction will take place in three stages to better align with the city’s sewer reconstruction efforts.

Stage 2a: From the start of construction to early-July, crews will work between County Road 56 to S Mather Street (green zone) and Everett Street and east of Ada Street (yellow zone). Traffic will be detoured along County Road 12, 53 and 11, as well as W County Road and 105th Street. View the town detour map and the extended detour map.

Stage 2b: From the start of construction to mid-August, crews will work between County Road 56 to S Mather Street (green zone). Traffic will be detoured along County Road 12, 53 and 11. View the town detour map and the extended detour map.

Stage 3: Once stages 2a and 2b are complete, crews will work between S Mather Street and Everett Street (blue zone). Traffic will be detoured right, south of County Road 56 and N Mather Street. This stage is anticipated to be mid-August to mid-October. View the detour map.

To learn more about the project, visit the MnDOT project website, where you can also sign up for email and text message updates.

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