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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

May 14, 2024

Latest news releases

Lane closures begin on Hwy 65 Cambridge to East Bethel May 20

Cable median barrier to prevent crossover crashes in Isanti County
ST. CLOUD, Minn. – Motorists will encounter single-lane closures on both directions of Highway 65 from Cambridge to the Anoka County line, East Bethel, as crews install high-tension cable median barrier, reports the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

On Monday, May 20, motorists should begin to watch for roadwork signs, lane closures, lane shifts and reduced speeds between Main Street/Isanti County Road 43 in Cambridge and 245th Avenue NE, East Bethel. Expect multiple crews and equipment working at different locations within the eight-mile work zone.

Work will occur Monday through Saturday at non-rush, off-peak hours, on good weather days until late June. Lane closures may occur on northbound on Sundays; off-road work to occur anytime. Lane closures may occur on northbound on Sundays; off-road work to occur anytime.

High-tension cable median barriers are made of three or four steel cables strung on posts. When a vehicle hits the barrier, the posts break and cables flex, absorbing much of a crash’s kinetic energy. This redirects the vehicle along the median, preventing a severe or fatal cross-median crash.

When complete, the safety improvement project is intended to prevent crossover collisions with on-coming motorists and save lives.
To learn more about the benefits of cable median barriers, visit MnDOT’s traffic engineering web page.

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