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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Aug. 9, 2024

Latest news releases

New eastbound I-94 lane and ramp closures begin Aug. 12

ROSEVILLE, Minn. – According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, motorists will encounter new lane and ramp closures on Interstate 94 in Woodbury starting Monday, August 12 as crews repave the eastbound I-94 lanes and ramps between Highway 120/Century Avenue and Woodbury Drive.

Beginning at 4 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 12, the following I-94/I-494/I-694 interchange ramps will be closed to traffic until Sat, Sept. 14:

  • Eastbound I-94 ramp to northbound I-694. Motorists can bypass this ramp closure using southbound I-494, Tamarack Road and northbound I-494/I-694.
  • Southbound I-494 ramp to eastbound I-94. Motorists can bypass this ramp closure using southbound I-494, Tamarack Road, northbound I-494 and eastbound I-94.

During this same time, eastbound I-94 traffic wanting to exit at Radio Dr./Inwood Ave. N. or Woodbury Dr./Keats Ave. N. will be detoured around a right lane closure in between the I-94/I-494/I-694 interchange ramps using southbound I-494. Motorists will then use the Tamarack Road interchange to loop around to get back on eastbound I-94 and can continue to the Woodbury exits. See the detour route.

All construction activities and traffic impacts are weather dependent and subject to change. MnDOT urges motorists to always be attentive, drive with caution and slow down in work zones where workers are present.

MnDOT is resurfacing the pavement and making other improvements to I-94 between Highway 120/Century Avenue and the St. Croix River through fall 2024. The work will improve safety, traffic flow and ride smoothness.

For more information, visit the project webpage at
