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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Sept. 4, 2024

Latest news releases

Preliminary work for the 2025-26 Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter project is underway on Industrial Street near Kasota

Hwy 22 from Mankato to St. Peter will remain open to traffic in 2024

MANKATO, Minn. —Preliminary work for the 2025-26 Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter construction project is underway on Industrial Street near Kasota, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Construction on Industrial Street between Le Sueur Co. Rd. 41 (Pearl Street) and Le Sueur Co. Rd. 21 includes the installation of erosion control devices, tree and vegetation removal, and pavement work. Starting next week, crews will begin construction of a new roadway adjacent to Pearl Street to expand Industrial Street and provide business access during Hwy 22 construction in 2025-26. Work also includes the realignment of the existing Industrial Street, installation of drainage structures and culverts, curb and gutter, pavement, and lighting.

Local access for businesses near Industrial Road will be maintained with minor impacts for motorists.  This work is anticipated to be complete in mid-October, weather permitting. (map attached)

Hwy 22 from Mankato to St. Peter will remain open to traffic in 2024; however, motorists can expect minor traffic impacts for utility and other preliminary construction work.

All construction activities and traffic impacts are weather dependent and subject to change. MnDOT urges motorists to be attentive and drive with caution in work zones where workers are present.

Le Sueur Co. Rd. 45 (Rabbit Road)

Originally planned for construction in 2024, construction on the Le Sueur County 45 (Rabbit Road) bridge has been postponed until 2026. The work on Rabbit Road in 2026 will include a mill and overlay, replacement of the approach panels, new drainage and culverts, and new guardrail.

Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter project overview, costs

Hwy 22 from Mankato to St. Peter will be closed in 2025-26, with traffic detoured. The project will include reconstructing the roadway from south of Blue Earth County Road 57 in Mankato to just south of the Minnesota River Bridge in St. Peter, and adding new turn and passing lanes. The project also includes constructing a roundabout at Hill Street (Le Sueur Co.Rd. 21) in Kasota, improving lighting at intersections, repairing and replacing bridges, installing snow fence, and preparing for future construction of a walking and biking trail to connect Mankato to St. Peter. 

Benefits of the project include enhanced safety for motorists, improved traffic flow, smoother pavement, and preparation for a future walking and biking trail. Mathiowetz Construction Company was awarded the project with a bid of $36,896,294.56.

Hwy 22 and Augusta Drive roundabout project in Mankato

Construction of a dual-lane roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 22 and Augusta Drive in Mankato is expected to continue until early October. The project also includes constructing new trail and realigning existing trails. Visit the Hwy 22/Augusta Drive project website for more information and detour routes.l

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