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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Sept. 4, 2024

Latest news releases

Eastbound Hwy 36 closure set this weekend between I-35W in Roseville and I-35E in Little Canada

ROSEVILLE, Minn. —With the end of the Minnesota State Fair behind us, repairs and resurfacing will resume this weekend on eastbound Hwy 36 between I-35W in Roseville and I-35E in Little Canada, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The eastbound lanes of the highway will close at 9 p.m. Fri., Sept. 6 and remain closed until 5 a.m. Mon., Sept. 9. During the closure, traffic will detour north on I-35W, east on I-694 and south on I-35E.

REMINDER: The ramps to and from Hwy 36 and Edgerton Street closed at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3 and will remain closed until around 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12. Motorists are advised to follow the signed detours.

We appreciate your patience while we make these improvements. Plan ahead by checking 511, and give yourself additional time to reach your destination.

All construction activities and traffic impacts are weather and schedule permitting and subject to change.

More about this project

Repairs and resurfacing is underway on nearly six miles of Highway 36 between I-35W in Roseville and Edgerton St. in Little Canada along with additional improvements. Resurfacing of aging pavement will provide a smoother ride for motorists and extend the life of the existing roadway.

A new auxiliary lane from southbound I-35W to eastbound Highway 36 will provide more distance for drivers to safely merge onto eastbound Highway 36 which will ease traffic flow and reduce congestion. Reconstruction of the ramp from northbound Cleveland Ave. to eastbound Highway 36 and extending the merge lane onto eastbound Highway 36 will provide more time for drivers to safely merge into traffic. Improved drainage will also help channel water to prevent pavement damage from flooding and weather events. The project is anticipated to be complete in late September.
