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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Sept. 12, 2024

Latest news releases

Highway 23 Milaca to Bock opens to all travelers Friday, Sept. 13

ST. CLOUD, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation is excited to announce all lanes on Highway 23 from Milaca to Bock will open and the detour will lift by Friday afternoon, Sept. 13.

This marks the completion of the $6.5 million project that began in mid-May to resurface and improve 12 miles of Highway 23 from Milaca to east of Ogilvie in Mille Lacs and Kanabec Counties.

Traveler benefits include:

  • A new, smoother asphalt road surface, includes shoulders
  • Updated drainage structures—new pipe west of Bock; box bridge east of Bock; and box bridge at the South Fork Groundhouse River
  • Improved access and safety—realigned 100th Avenue/Mille Lacs County Road 101 to/from Highway 23, east of Milaca, and added new left turn lanes on Highway 23 at 90th Avenue/County Road 144
  • Updated reflective road markings, mumble strips and shoulder barriers

The public may encounter a periodic shoulder or lane closure as crews finish the project. 
MnDOT thanks the Milaca, Bock and Ogilvie communities for their continued patience as Highway 23 was detoured during construction.

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