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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Sept. 16, 2024

Latest news releases

Hwy 169 in Grand Rapids detoured for railroad crossing replacement

DULUTH, Minn. – During the week of Sept. 23, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad will be replacing the railroad crossing on Hwy 169 in Grand Rapids between 3rd Street Northeast and 4th Street Northeast. The Minnesota Department of Transportation will then be paving the approaches after the crossing is replaced. During this Hwy 169 closure, a detour will be in place along 2nd Street Northwest, First Avenue Northeast and First Avenue Northwest.

Center parking on First Avenue Northwest between 2nd Street Northwest and 3rd Street Northwest will be removed for safety purposes due to the extra detoured traffic. Angle parking along the curb will remain in place.

The railroad crossing replacement and pavement work will be completed by the weekend, weather permitting. Center parking will be restored once the detour is removed.
