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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Sept. 18, 2024

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Hwy 4 St. James to Sleepy Eye construction update

Hwy 4 between Watonwan Co. Rd. 3 and Hwy 30 opens September 19

MANKATO, Minn. – Hwy 4 from Watonwan County Road 3 north of St. James toHwy 30 is expected to open to traffic on Thursday, September 19, weather permitting, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Motorists should expect lane restrictions and watch for flaggers on Hwy 4 between Watonwan Co. Rd. 3 and Hwy30 until early October as crews complete work along the shoulders. 

Resurfacing on Hwy4 from Hwy 14 near Sleepy Eye to Hwy30 is expected to be complete in mid-October. Traffic is detoured to Hwy14, Brown Co. Rd. 8, Watonwan Co.Rd. 5, and Hwy 30.

Replacement of the Cottonwood River bridge south of Sleepy Eye is expected to be complete in mid or late November. For safety, public carry-in water access near the Cottonwood River on Hwy 4 south of Sleepy Eye remains closed during bridge construction. For more information visit the Department of Natural Resources at:

Completion of construction on Hwy 4 has been delayed several weeks due in part to heavy rains in June and flooding from the Cottonwood River.

The Hwy 4 project between St. James to Sleepy Eye includes roadway, bridge, and drainage improvements. In addition to resurfacing approximately 25 miles of roadway, three bridges will be replaced. Additionally, the improvements made to the road will allow Hwy 4 from St. James and Sleepy Eye to become a 10-ton route.

The project is expected to be complete in early October, weather permitting.

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Project benefits, cost

Benefits of the project include improved pavement, drainage, and safety. Ulland Brothers, Inc. was awarded the project with a bid of $18,884,550.58.

Important work zone safety reminders:

  • Slow down when approaching every work zone
  • Never enter a roadway that has been blocked with barriers or cones
  • Stay alert; watch for workers and slow-moving equipment
  • Obey posted speed limits. Fine for a violation in a work zone is $300
  • Minimize distractions behind the wheel
  • Be patient; expect delays, especially during peak travel times
