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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Oct. 23, 2024

Latest news releases

I-35 Faribault project completes final year of construction

FARIBAULT, Minn. – The final year of the Interstate 35 project at Faribault that resurfaced 4.6 miles of I-35 and improved ramps was completed on Oct. 22, opening all lanes of traffic and ramps to motorists, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

The two-year project started in 2023. Work in 2023 included construction of median crossover lanes, resurfacing southbound I-35 between Bagley Avenue/Western Avenue and Rice County Road 48 and repairing the flyover ramp (southbound Lyndale Avenue) from Highland Place to southbound I-35 and the northbound ramp at Highway 21.

During 2024, crews resurfaced northbound and southbound I-35 and reconstructed ramps at Rice County Road 48, Highway 60 and Highway 21. Guardrail and lighting were installed, and a traffic signal at Highway 60 and 30th Avenue NW was replaced.

MnDOT thanks motorists for their patience as construction crews worked to improve the road and its safety.

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