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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Oct. 25, 2024

Latest news releases

Hwy 169 Aitkin to Hassman opens to all travelers

BAXTER, Minn. –  The Minnesota Department of Transportation is excited to announce Highway 169 from Aitkin to Hassman is open and the detour is lifted.

The opening marks the completion of the two-year, $36.2 million project that reconstructed 11 miles of Highway 169 between Aitkin and the Mississippi River, north of Hassman.

Traveler benefits include:

  • A wider, smoother and stronger concrete overlay road surface
  • Improved safety, access and traffic flow—lengthened turn lanes; added center turn-lanes, sidewalk, curb and gutter in Aitkin; realigned curve northeast of Aitkin; and updated guardrail
  • Updated drainage—replaced six centerline culverts pipes and four box bridges

Motorists may encounter minimal lane or shoulder closures as crews complete any remaining work. Watch for workers and equipment and be prepared to stop or slow down.

MnDOT thanks the community and traveling public for their continued patience during the multiple detours throughout this Highway 169/210 Aitkin to Hassman project in Aitkin County.

For more information, visit the project web page at

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