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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Nov. 8, 2024

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Lanes reopen on eastbound Interstate 94 between Dalton and Ashby

DETROIT LAKES, Minn.—Lanes reopen on eastbound Interstate 94 between Dalton and Ashby, as the bridge replacement at Pelican Creek wraps up, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Traffic has been head-to-head through the project area since July.

Motorists will encounter lane closures in both directions today, Fri., Nov. 8, while crews remove traffic control devices and finish other miscellaneous clean up.

The two-year construction project includes replacing the existing metal culverts at the Pelican Creek, just west of the County Road 4 overpass bridge, with span beam bridges. Crews replaced the eastbound bridge this year, and will return in 2025 to construct the westbound bridge.

For more information, visit the project website at

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