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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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News releases

Nov. 25, 2024

Latest news releases

Hwy 243/Osceola Bridge Environmental documents available for public review Nov. 26-Dec.26

Public hearing set for Dec. 10

Roseville, Minn. – The Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation are seeking public review and comment on the Highway 243 Osceola Bridge reconstruction in Franconia Township, MN, and Osceola, WI. The 30-day public comment period opens Tuesday, Nov. 26 and closes on Thursday, Dec. 26.

The public is invited to attend a public hearing regarding the proposed improvements. The hearing will be held at the following location and time:

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Osceola High School - Cafeteria and Large Group Instruction Rm.
1111 Oak Ridge Drive, Osceola, WI

There will be a presentation at 5:30 p.m. A court reporter will be available to take verbal comments, and comment cards will be available for people who wish to provide written comments for the public record.

MnDOT and WisDOT are proposing the replacement of the Hwy 243 bridge over the St. Croix River, reconstruction of an approximately 0.5-mile segment of Hwy 243, completion of stormwater management improvements and construction of a shared-use path on the north side of Hwy 243 in Minnesota and Wisconsin and on the bridge. Construction site preparation work is expected to begin in fall 2026 with major bridge construction scheduled for spring 2027. The work will require the closure of the bridge from spring 2027 to fall 2028. The new bridge is anticipated to be complete in spring 2029.

Copies of the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Assessment Worksheet, which documents the purpose and need of the project along with the potential environmental impacts, are available for public viewing during business hours at the following locations:

  • MnDOT Metro District Water's Edge Building: 1500 W. Co. Rd. B-2, Roseville, MN 55113
  • WisDOT Northwest Region-Superior Office: 1701 N. 4th St., Superior, WI 54880
  • WisDOT Northwest Region-Eau Claire Office: 718 W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire, WI 54701
  • Osceola Village Hall: 310 Chieftain St., Osceola, WI 54020 (Use the 3rd Avenue entrance.)
  • Franconia Town Hall: 25156 St. Croix Trail N., Shafer, MN 55074
  • Wilberg Memorial Public Library of Osceola: 310 Chieftain St., Osceola, WI 54020
  • Taylors Falls Public Library: 473 Bench St., Taylors Falls, MN 55084
  • St. Croix Falls Public Library: 230 S. Washington St., St. Croix Falls, WI 54024

Comments can be mailed, prior to the close of the public comment period on Thursday, Dec. 26 to MnDOT Project Manager Dmitry Tomasevich at the Minnesota Department of Transportation, 1500 W. County Road B2, Roseville, MN 55113 or by email at

An electronic copy of the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Assessment Worksheet can be accessed starting on November 26 at MnDOT’s project website at

The Environmental documents are available in alternative formats by calling Janet Miller at 651-366-4720 or emailing Individuals who are hearing or speech impaired may contact the Minnesota Relay service toll-free at 1-800-627-3529 (TTY, Voice or ASCII) or 711.

