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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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March 19, 2025

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Public invited to learn about Hwy 55 roadwork in Annandale April 3

ST. CLOUD, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation invites the Annandale community to a public meet and greet to learn about a six-month 2025 roadwork project on Highway 55 on Thursday, April 3.

The drop-in style event will be held 4:30-7 p.m. at Annandale City Hall, 30 Cedar St. E, Annandale. Guests may arrive and leave at their convenience.

The project team will have informational boards and detour maps to view and will answer questions about local impacts and overall work through Annandale from April to mid-October.

The $11.4 million project will resurface and improve Highway 55 from Brown Avenue to east of Annandale Boulevard (1.4 miles), which includes city utilities and access (Figure 1).

Summary of work

Brown Avenue to Poplar Avenue N:

    • Reconstruct the asphalt road surface
    • Replace or update underground utilities, includes city water, sewer and storm water
    • Update the signal system at Highway 55 and Excelsior Avenue
    • Realign to improve access at Highway 55 and Oak Avenue/Highway 24/Harrison Street
      • Install a flashing pedestrian crosswalk signal
  • Realign to improve access at Highway 55 and Poplar Avenue S
      • Close the west end Service Road entrance, just east of Poplar Avenue S and install a cul-de-sac
      • City of Annandale to also realign Poplar Lane over the railroad crossing to Highway 55/Poplar Avenue
    • Update or add pedestrian sidewalk along both sides of Highway 55 between Brown Avenue and Cherry Street, continue on the north side to Poplar Avenue and connect to Service Road
    • Update street lighting

Poplar Avenue to Annandale Boulevard:

  • Repave the asphalt road surface
    • Widen the road along the north side shoulder to add a center left-turn lane from east of Poplar Avenue to west of Annandale Boulevard
    • Update storm/ditch drainage
    • Install shoulder rumble strips

Through traffic will be detoured for the full duration of the project. The detour uses Wright County Road 3, County Road 39, Highway 24 and County Road 6. Access to businesses and residents will be open and maintained along the project.

When complete in mid-October, travelers will benefit from a smoother ride; improved motorist and pedestrian access and safety; and updated drainage and city utilities.

For more information and to sign up for email updates, visit the project webpage:

MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at or call 651-366-4720.

For more information on projects in central Minnesota, go to,

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Figure 1: Hwy 55 work, location map between Brown Avenue and Annandale Boulevard, Annandale.