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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Fish and Wildlife

Fish and Wildlife prepared statements

Fishes and aquatic wildlife

For projects with fishes and aquatic wildlife other than mussels, include comments from MNDNR and the MnDOT Aquatic Ecologist and address those comments.  If there are no comments, you do not need to include a statement.

If there are no impacts to fisheries, use the following statement:

The proposed project will have no direct impacts on fisheries habitat.  It is expected that any indirect impacts will be limited to minor changes in water clarity during and immediately after construction.

If there are possible direct impacts to fisheries that will be mitigated by timing, use the following statement:

The proposed project will involve work in a stream or river supporting fisheries resources.  Work in the water will not occur during the critical spawning period identified by the MNDNR Area Fisheries Manager.  No long-term impacts are anticipated.


For projects with no bridge or in-stream work, you do not need to include a statement.

For projects with bridge work but no in-stream work:

This project includes work on Bridge No. xxxx spanning the xxxx River, but project activities will be limited to (superstructure work, deck work, etc.) and no in-stream work is anticipated. Therefore, no impacts to the streambed or aquatic species are expected.

Projects with bridge and in-stream work that have impacts to riverbed (post-mussel survey – no mussels found):

This project includes work on Bridge No. xxxx spanning the xxxx River, and project activities may require in-stream work and/or disturbance of the streambed. As the xxxx River is known to harbor freshwater mussels and given that many species of mussels are state and/or federally protected species, a freshwater mussel survey was completed within the riverine Action Area. As surveys indicate that the Action Area does not harbor a significant mussel assemblage nor suitable mussel habitat (consult with the MnDOT Protected Species Program on project-specific language), no impacts to protected mussel species are expected.

Projects with bridge and in-stream work that have impacts to riverbed (post-mussel survey – mussels found):

This project includes work on Bridge No. xxxx spanning the xxxx River, and project activities may require in-stream work and/or disturbance of the streambed. As the xxxx River is known to harbor freshwater mussels and given that many species of mussels are state and/or federally protected species, a freshwater mussel survey was completed within the riverine Action Area. Impacts to mussels will be minimized or mitigated through coordination with MNDNR and/or USFWS. These minimization and/or mitigation measures include (consult with MnDOT Protected Species Program: these measures may include mussel relocation, adoption of alternative project activities/components/etc., compensation towards a mussel mitigation fund, etc.)

Terrestrial wildlife

For projects with wildlife other than swallows or bats, include comments from MNDNR, MnDOT Protected Species Program, and other stakeholders and address those comments. 


If swallow nests are not present on a bridge or other structure (e.g. a building) within the project, you do not need to include a statement.

Use one of the following prepared statements for birds as appropriate.

Swallows:  if swallow nests are present on a bridge or other structure within the project:

Bridge Number #contains barn swallow and/or cliff swallow nests.  In accordance with MnDOT policy and in compliance with the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 50 CFR §21.41, the destruction of swallows will be avoided by [choose one of the following:] conducting the work outside of the nesting season (August 16 through May 1, inclusive), or preventing the birds from nesting until completion of the project.

Other birds:

The proposed action includes work that is not anticipated to impact protected birds based on the scope of work and/or the inclusion of avoidance measures. 
See the “Swallow Procedure and Depredation Permit” information for ways to prevent birds from nesting on bridges. 


Bridge and structure work

If bats or bat signs are not present on the bridge (or other structure), use the following statement:

Bridge Number # was inspected for bats and/or bat signs and no bats or bat signs were detected. Impacts to bats are not anticipated.

If bats or bat signs are present on the bridge (or other structure), use the following statement:

Bridge Number # contains bats and/or bat signs.  In compliance with the Range-wide Programmatic Consultation for Indiana Bat and Northern Long-Eared Bat, impacts to protected bats will be avoided or minimized by [Choose one of the following:] conducting the work outside of the bat active season (November 1 through March 31, inclusive) unless a hibernating bat colony is present [or:] conducting a USFWS-approved bat survey and determining absence of protected bats.

Coordinate with the MnDOT Protected Species Program to determine proper bat avoidance and minimization measures for the project.

Tree clearing and trimming

If you do not anticipate any tree clearing and/or trimming, use the following statement:

Tree clearing and/or trimming is not anticipated. No tree clearing and/or trimming may occur without additional review by the Office of Environmental Stewardship. The addition of tree clearing and/or trimming may require additional consultation with regulatory agencies.

If you anticipate tree clearing and/or trimming, please coordinate with the MnDOT Protected Species Program. Additional information will be provided here in the future, please check back.