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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Wetlands

Wetlands prepared statements

No wetlands

If the results of a Level 1 wetland delineation indicate that there are no wetlands within the project area, include the following statement in the environmental document:

A level 1 wetland delineation indicates that the project area does not contain any wetland resources.

Unaffected wetlands outside construction limits

If the results of a Level 1 wetland delineation indicate that wetlands are present within the project area but are outside the proposed construction limits, include the following statement in the environmental document:

A Level 1 wetland delineation indicates that wetlands are present within the roadway right of way, however, the activities of the proposed project will not affect these areas.
Attach a map of the project location specify the activity types and their locations to support the claim that the project will not affect wetlands. 

Affected wetlands

If a wetland inventory suggests that the proposed project may affect wetlands, address the impacts in the project documentation via a wetland assessment.  Include the following statement in the environmental document to acknowledge that you have accomplished the first two steps in the sequencing process (avoidance and mitigation):

Based upon the above factors and considerations, it is determined that there is no practicable alternative to the proposed construction in the identified wetlands and that the proposed action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to the wetlands.