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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Transit in Greater Minnesota

Home | Funding and grants

Large capital grant

We distribute funding to rural and small urban transit providers for certain large capital items that deliver and improve modern transit services. We provide funding for revenue vehicles, facilities, and technology through other grants.

How it works

  • You identify a need for one or more large capital items through a planning, performance evaluation, or some other process.
  • You follow the link to complete a short Application questionnaire.
  • You complete an Independent Cost Estimate form.
  • Then you submit your application documents in BlackCat


Any Greater Minnesota Rural or Small Urban transit agency currently receiving operating assistance from MnDOT.

Application process

What you'll need

Review 2027 Transit Large Capital Grant Instructions
  • To find more details on funding, eligibility, scoring, etc.
Complete an Independent Cost Estimation (ICE) form
  • An ICE is needed for any items exceeding $3,500 but not more than $150,000 (require a full solicitation).
Submit your application in BlackCat
  • As usual, we provide a BlackCat / Applications Guide as a resource document below. You will upload the PDF from the application questionnaire, a concept design, a conceptual budget, and an ICE (if needed).


  • Sept. 30, 2025: Deadline to submit grant application


We will hold a webinar to demonstrate how the forms work and to go over the application requirements.

  • July 15, 2025: Webinar

After you apply

  • We will convene a scoring committee to review and score all applications. Then we will select the highest-scoring projects until all available funds have been assigned.


  • January 2026: We'll post selected projects.

More information

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