Red Lake Nation

"Red Lake"
The Red Lake Nation is a federally recognized, fully sovereign Ojibwe tribal government, subject only to the federal government. Because of its unique status, Red Lake is often referred to as a “closed” reservation.
- Red Lake Nation News
Tribal Government Center
- 15484 Migizi Drive
Red Lake, MN 56671 - 218-679-3374
Government structure
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
- 11 elected Tribal Council members
- Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Eight District Representatives
- Six Hereditary Chiefs: descendants from those who negotiated the 1889 Land Agreement serve for life in an advisory capacity to the Tribal Council.
- Gerald Spears
- Greeting Spears Jr.
- Henry Sutton
- James Loud
- Arlan Jourdain Sr.
- Dan King
- Staggered elections held even years in May, four year terms
- Chairman: Darrell G. Seki Sr.
- Secretary: Samuel R. Strong
- Treasurer: Vernelle R. Lussier
- Little Rock District Representatives: Michelle Barrett-Cobenais, Harlow Spears
- Ponemah District Representatives: Glenda Martin, Eugene Standingcloud
- Red Lake District Representatives: Robert L. May, Robert "Bob" Smith
- Redby District Representatives: Harold E. Graves Jr., Allen D. Pemberton
Geography and demography
- Size: 840,000+ acres (includes the Northwest Angle of 156,900 acres)
- Citizenship: 10,000+ enrolled members
- Counties: Beltrami, Clearwater, Lake of the Woods (Northwest Angle)
- Government headquarters: Red Lake
- Little Rock, non-municipal: Little Rock Community Center
- Ponemah, non-municipal: Ponemah Elementary
- Red Lake, municipal: Tribal Government Center, Red Lake Community Center, Red Lake Head Start, Red Lake Elementary, Complex, Red Lake Secondary Complex, Red Lake Nation College, Red Lake IGA, Red Lake Hospital, Red Lake Retail Center, Red Lake Elderly Nutrition, Seven Clans Casino Red Lake, Red Lake Transit, Red Lake Nation Fuels, Red Lake Builders, Beaulieu’s Café, Beaulieu’s Gas & Grocery, Green Lake Pawn Shop
- Redby, municipal: Red Lake Nation Foods, Red Lake Nation Fishery
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- 15484 Migizi Drive