Upper Sioux Community

Pezihutazizi Oyate
"When they dig for yellow medicine."
The Upper Sioux Community (USC) is a federally recognized, sovereign Dakota tribal government located 115 miles west of Minneapolis on the Minnesota River in Yellow Medicine County.
Tribal Government Center
- PO Box 147
5722 Travers Lane
Granite Falls, MN 56241 - 320-564-3853
Government structure
- Constitution of the Upper Sioux Community
- Five elected Board of Trustees
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Member at Large
- Staggered elections held odd years in May, four year terms
- Chairman: Kevin Jensvold
- Vice Chairwoman: Caralyn Trutna
- Secretary: Adam Savariego
- Treasurer: Camille Tanhoff
- Member at Large: Jeremy Hamilton
Geography and demography
- Size: 1,440 acres
- Citizenship: 600+ enrolled members
- Counties: Yellow Medicine
- Government Headquarters: Granite Falls
- Upper Sioux, municipal: Tribal Government Center, Prairie’s Edge Casino Resort, Prairie View RV Park & Campground, Prairie’s Edge Convenience Store, Upper Sioux Communications, USC Propane, USC Wastewater Treatment System
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