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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Congressional briefing

Find your MnDOT district by county

County MnDOT district(s)
Aikin 1
Anoka Metro
Becker 4
Beltrami 2
Benton 3
Big Stone 4
Blue Earth 7
Brown 7
Carlson 1
Carver Metro
Cass 2 and 3
Chippewa 8
Chisago Metro
Clay 4
Clearwater 2
Cook 1
Cottonwood 7
Crow Wing 3
Dakota Metro
Dodge 6
Douglas 4
Faribault 7
Fillmore 6
Freeborn 6
Goodhue 6
Grant 4
Hennepin Metro
Houston 6
Hubbard 2
Isanti 3
Itasca 1 and 2
Jackson 7
Kanabec 3
Kandiyohi 8
Kittson 2
Koochiching 1 and 2
Lac qui Parle 8
Lake 1
Lake of the Woods 2
Le Sueur 7
Lincoln 8
Lyon 8
Mahnomen 4
Marshall 2
Martin 7
McLeod 8
Meeker 8
Mille Lacs 3
Morrison 3
Mower 6
Murray 8
Nicollet 7
Nobles 7
Norman 2
Olmsted  6
Otter Tail 4
Penningham 2
Pine 1
Pipestone 8
Polk 2
Pope 4
Ramsey Metro
Red Lake 2
Redwood 8
Renville 8
Rice 6
Rock 7
Roseau 2
Scott Metro
Sherburne 3
Sibley 7
St. Louis 1
Stearns 3
Steele 6
Stevens 4
Swift 4
Todd 3
Traverse 4
Wabasha 6
Wadena 3
Waseca 7
Washington Metro
Watonwan 7
Wilkin 4
Winona 6
Wright 3
Yellow Medicine 8

Select your region for more district information

A map of Minnesota that outlines the Congressional Districts and the Minnesota Department of Transportation Districts