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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Cultural Resources Unit (CRU)


The goal of this unit is to ensure early identification and documentation of known or suspected cultural resources in compliance with Federal and state laws for the preservation of historic properties and significant archaeological sites.

Products the unit provides

  • Responses to scoping/project initiation - initial desktop review of projects
  • Responses to P6 scheduling (internal to MnDOT) of CRU activities for a project
  • Recommendations regarding avoidance, minimization, or mitigation for properties or sites that might be impacted by the project
  • Other information as it arises

What you can expect from the unit

  • All deliverables listed above
  • Timelines and notifications of delays
  • Knowledge regarding the federal and state statutes that govern the protection of historic properties and sites
  • Participation in the P6 scheduling process (internal to MnDOT)

What you provide to the unit

Scoping (internal to MnDOT)

  • Project initiation/funding type/project scoping/P6 initiation:  endpoints of the project, type of work anticipated, and when project is expected to begin
  • Completed ENM
  • Coordination and distribution of ENM
  • Maps or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) layer of project limits or construction limits if known


  • 30, 60, 90, 100 percent plans (pdf/dgn files)
  • Change in scope of work
  • Letting date changes: advancement, delay, shelved, cancelled
  • Project staff changes

What the unit expects from you

  • Timely information
  • Answers to questions