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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Construction Impacts

Construction Impacts (Environmental Review) prepared statements

Because the types of construction impacts vary so widely, you must develop a “No Effect” statement that is specific to your project and its location.  You can use portions of the statement below to develop an analysis for your project.

There will be noise and dust associated with the construction activities.  No unique concerns have been identified.  Construction crews will follow standard noise and dust specifications and adhere to local ordinances.  Disposal of excess material will comply with the guidelines in the standard specifications and will not occur in wetlands, floodplains, or other sensitive areas.  Construction crews will control erosion and sedimentation according to an erosion control plan and MnDOT standard specifications.  This project will have minor impacts to traffic traveling on TH ___.  A traffic plan will be developed during the design phase.  No detours are necessary during construction.  The overall traffic flow will be maintained during the construction period.