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Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Department of Natural Resources (DNR) process

Framework for DNR early coordination for public waters permit review of MnDOT projects

Step 1

MnDOT Early Notification Memo (ENM) or project information is submitted to DNR Liaison/Transportation Hydrologist (Patty Fowler), per MnDOT’s Transportation Project Development Process (TPDP).

Step 2

DNR Liaison coordinates with DNR area managers to identify avoidance measures, enhancement opportunities, and/or permitting requirements of DNR areas of concern. Included is a Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) rare species search. A comment letter is sent to MnDOT on DNR concerns.

Step 3 - Are public waters impacts avoided?

If yes: Public Waters Work Permit NOT required. DNR may continue to work with MnDOT on other issues, such as impacts to DNR managed lands, invasive species, rare species, groundwater, H2O appropriations, fisheries, wildlife, wetlands, enhancement opportunities, or other ecological concerns.

If no: Continue to the next question.

Are Public Waters Wetlands (PWI- W’s) or wetland areas of a Public Water basin (PWI- P’s) impacted?

If no: Continue to Step 4.

If yes: Continue to the next question.

Does DNR waive jurisdiction of Public Waters wetland or wetland area of Public Water basin to WCA?

If no: Continue to Step 4.

If yes: Use WCA process for wetland impact. Continue to the next question.

Does project have additional impacts to Public Waters?

If yes: Continue to Step 4.

If no: Public Waters Work Permit NOT required. DNR may continue to work with MnDOT on other issues, such as impacts to DNR managed lands, invasive species, rare species, groundwater, H2O appropriations, fisheries, wildlife, wetlands, enhancement opportunities, or other ecological concerns.

Step 4

DNR Public Waters Work Permit Review and Authorization

Review and authorization is an interactive process between DNR and MnDOT, and may also require mitigation for detrimental aspects of the project.  Common permit categories for MnDOT are stormwater outfalls, stream/river crossings with culvert/bridges, and fill or riprap for road widening/protection.   DNR identifies applicable permit conditions and design requirements at ENM stage (step 2), which MnDOT incorporates at project design stage.  A projects design may be reviewed by DNR at any time during project development, though preferably before 30% or no later than 60% planset development.  Permit application may occur with a 90% planset. 

Specific permit conditions may be developed to allow for site specific concerns. Guidance is also provided in the GP2004-0001 Best Practices Guide.

Can project meet the conditions and requirements of the DNR General Permit 2004-0001 (PDF) to MnDOT for bridge, culvert, or stormwater outfall repair/replacement?

If yes: MPARs Authorization #year-xxxx under GP2004-0001. Permit may include site specific conditions to the project. Issuance typically occurs 20-30 days from a complete submittal.

If no: MPARs Authorization as Individual Permit #year-xxxx. Permit may include site specific conditions to the project. Review requires a 30day external review. Issuance is typically 45-90 days from a complete submittal.