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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Early Notification Memos (ENMs)

Early Notification Memos (ENMs) process

Using the Metro and OneENM (Greater MN) templates


Determine who should receive copies for the project under review, and check off their names on the  form.

Distribute by email with attachments (unless recipient requests a printed copy). In the subject line, include “Early Notification Memo,” and the Trunk Highway and SP numbers.

General project information section

To place an X in a gray check box, double-click the check box, then select “default value = checked.” Type in text as indicated (the rows should expand as you type to fit the information typed).

Project description

Include an explanation of how the proposed improvements will change the existing conditions, such as horizontal and vertical alignments, the current vs. proposed ROW, traffic lane widths, ditch profiles, etc. For bridge work indicate whether the project will include cut and/or fill. Describe the following items, or attach a layout (if available) indicating the following items:

  • Construction limits
  • Roadway widening or addition of turn lanes
  • Existing ROW
  • Proposed ROW
  • Realignment
  • Temporary and permanent easement
  • Construction bypass
  • Detours

Additional comments or information

Use this section if needed to provide comments or additional information not covered in other sections. (If this section is not needed, delete it).


Required attachments
  • Project location map
  • USGS 7.5 minute quad map(s) showing project limits (termini)
    • Provide the name(s) of the quadrangle map(s)
    • If there are borrow areas or disposal areas, attach USGS 7.5 minute quad map(s) showing location of borrow or disposal areas
    • The project location map should be at a large enough scale to show the location of the project within the county, and relation of the project to population centers, major lakes and rivers, etc.
Other attachments

Examples of additional attachments:

  • Aerial photograph of project alignment (for noting vegetation, wetlands, etc.)
  • Draft layout drawing
  • Draft geometric design table
  • Other maps, photos or drawings
  • A list of bridges, culverts, ditches, wetlands and other water resources features
    • The water resources inventory table should indicate the location and type of resource, impacts (such as fill, excavation or structures), and mitigation
Transmittal of attachments

Most attachments can be attached to the email along with the Memo. But aerial photos and layouts may need to be sent separately (hardcopy) to the individuals that would need them.