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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Erosion and Construction Stormwater Management

Erosion and Construction Stormwater Management prepared statements

Use the prepared statements below in the environmental document as circumstances warrant.  If a project fits multiple criteria listed above in the “When to Use this Subject” section (for example, disturbs several acres of soil and involves work in sensitive areas or steep slopes or creates at least an acre of new impervious area), contact the ESM Unit to assist in the development of comments specific to the area being impacted.

If the project does not have any impacts on existing ground cover and no erosion-producing operations, use the following note:

Potential for impacts from erosion and sedimentation have been considered, but because the project does not disturb existing ground cover, there is little erosion and sedimentation potential.

If the project disturbs less than one acre of existing ground cover, use the following note:

This project will result in some potential for erosion as existing ground cover will be disturbed.  Erosion prevention and sediment control requirements will be undertaken in accordance with the MnDOT standard specifications and special provisions.  An NPDES Construction Stormwater permit will not be required because this project does not disturb one or more acres of existing ground cover.  However, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be developed for the project to address any potential pollutants and erosion generated by the work.

If the project disturbs one or more acres of existing ground cover or disturbs less than one acre but is  part of other projects that cumulatively disturb more than one acre, use the following note:

The project will result in some potential for erosion as existing ground cover will be disturbed.  An NPDES Construction Storm Water (CSW) Permit will be required for this project.  A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be developed for the project.  Erosion prevention and sediment control requirements will be followed in accordance with the CSW permit, which includes both temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control plans as well as the other Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect the resource waters.  Use the BMPs according to MnDOT’s standard specifications, details, and special provisions.