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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Noise guidance

Noise Analysis prepared statements

If the project meets the threshold criteria, see the current MnDOT Noise Requirements and Guidance.

If the project does not meet any of the federal threshold criteria, include the following state in the environmental documentation:

The referenced project meets the criteria for a Type III project established in 23 CFR 772. Therefore, the project requires no analysis for highway traffic noise impacts. Type III projects do not involve added capacity, construction of new through lanes or auxiliary lanes, substantial changes in the horizontal or vertical alignment of the roadway or exposure of noise sensitive land uses to a new or existing highway noise source.

MnDOT acknowledges that a noise analysis is required if changes to the proposed project result in reclassification to a Type I project.

If there was a modeling analysis conducted to determine Type I versus Type III designation, include the results lf that analysis as an appendix to the environmental document.