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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review

Purpose and Need Statement

Bridge Condition Needs Template


The Purpose and Need (P&N) statement explains why MnDOT is undertaking the proposed action and what its objectives are. The “Need” identifies transportation deficiencies or problems (e.g., congestion, safety, deteriorating physical condition of the transportation facility, etc.) that need to be addressed. The “Purpose” is a broad statement of the primary intended transportation result (e.g., improve mobility, improve bridge condition) and other related objectives to be achieved by a proposed transportation improvement.

The P&N statement provides the basis for developing criteria for comparative evaluation of alternatives, developing a range of alternatives, and selecting the preferred alternative. It limits the range of alternatives which may be considered reasonable, prudent and practicable (feasible), consistent with environmental process requirements (e.g., NEPA, Section 4(f), Section 106, and wetland permitting).

Some projects also identify goals beyond solving the identified transportation problems (needs). Such goals are
NOT part of the P&N statement, but would be presented in the environmental document as part of the alternatives development process and used as secondary screening for alternatives that do meet the P&N.

Note that the P&N statement may evolve as new information is obtained during the project development process, including input from project stakeholders. The P&N statement should be re-examined and updated, as appropriate, throughout the project development process.

When to use this subject

MnDOT continually assesses the condition and performance (mobility/safety) of the assets for which it is responsible (e.g., highways, bridges, pedestrian/bicycle facilities, and other related infrastructure). This assessment involves technical evaluations and stakeholder engagement. Projects are developed to address problems (existing and/or forecast) that these studies identify. The P&N statement compiles and organizes the study/assessment findings into a clear and substantiated explanation of the problem(s) that the proposed action is intended to address.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

The Purpose and Need discussion should begin during the Planning stages of project development. MnDOT’s project scoping process includes identification of needs; these are documented in the scoping report.  The scoping process might distinguish between primary and secondary needs with the information in hand at the time. Development of the P&N continues with public input from citizens and resource agency input. To complete the P&N statement for the NEPA document, the content from the scoping report P&N description may need revisions for readability, organizing primary vs. secondary needs, and/or additional technical analysis to address dated information, changed project setting, or gaps in the previous analysis. See Crafting a Purpose and Need Statement.

Organizations involved