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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review

Scoping Decision Document


The Scoping Decision Document (SDD) delineates the issues and analyses to be contained in the EIS. A Draft Scoping Decision Document (DSDD) is issued in tandem with the Scoping Document (SD) for a 30-day comment period. The final SDD is issued after conclusion of the comment period.

When to use this subject

The scoping process is an early and open process used before the preparation of a state EIS. The SD is issued, along with the Draft Scoping Decision Document (DSDD), for public review. Following a public comment period, a final Scoping Decision Document (SDD) is published and preparation of the Draft EIS begins.

The process that results in the final SDD per MEQB rules for the state EIS is also consistent with the scoping requirements for a federal EIS as described on the Process page.

The documents identified above should not be confused with the scoping report typically prepared during a MnDOT project’s early planning stage prior to the project’s programming in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Begin this process during the Scoping phase of Project Development and complete prior to preparing the state level EIS.

Organizations involved