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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project selection

Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Bridge projects

Pedestrian bridge rehabilitation and replacement

Scoring criteria for standalone projects to rehabilitate or replace pedestrian bridges or underpasses. Out of 100 possible points, 65 points are based on the condition of the bridge, 15 points are based on proximity to key destinations, 10 points based on compliance with Americans with Disability Act, 5 points based on low vertical clearance, and 5 points based on whether the project will benefit an environmental justice population.

Learn more about how MnDOT evaluates and selects bridge and culvert projects

MnDOT scores bridge condition needs when selecting projects to include in the 10-year Capital Highway Investment Plan. MnDOT replaces or rehabilitates most pedestrian bridges and underpasses as part of other pavement and bridge projects. Standalone projects to rehabilitate or replace an existing pedestrian bridge or underpass are scored and prioritized statewide with input from district staff.

Once selected, MnDOT then identifies and evaluates alternatives and other needs, legal requirements, issues and opportunities in coordination with local partners, and considers public input. Projects may move years based on local coordination, project delivery, timing of other nearby construction projects, and funding shifts.

What’s been selected?

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How the projects scored

The construction costs shown on this list represent a very rough estimate based on limited information available at the time selection decisions were made. Actual construction and delivery costs will change over time as projects go from a concept through the project development process and are eventually constructed. View more detailed scores (Excel).

Last updated December 2019

Score District Bridge Number Route Location Description Year Planned (FY)  High level construction cost estimate for planning purposes  Comments
100 Metro 9892 I 94 Minneapolis Pedestrian bridge at 22nd St Not Selected $3,000,000 Temporary bridge in place after bridge hit. High priority to schedule replacement
90 Metro 27105 MN 100 St. Louis Park Pedestrian bridge at 41st St Not Selected $5,100,000
70 1 9482 US 53 Fayal Township Pedestrian bridge over Mine Rd Not Selected $3,400,000
65 Metro 27535 MN 62 Minneapolis Pedestrian bridge at 14th Ave Not Selected $4,200,000
60 Metro 62869 I 94 Eastbound on ramp St. Paul Pedestrian Bridge at Hazelwood Not Selected $3,500,000
45 Metro 96093 US 61 Saint Paul Pedestrian tunnel at S Point Douglas Rd Not Selected  Unknown 
35 3 73871 I 94 St. Wendel Township Pedestrian bridge at Old Collegeville Rd Not Selected $1,400,000
30 Metro 27958 I 94 Minneapolis Pedestrian Bridge at Seymour Not Selected $5,800,000