Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Research & Innovation

Need statements - RFP 2024 (FY2026)

The annual academic research solicitation is only available to qualified universities. An active master contract must be in place as of Dec. 1, 2024 to be selected.

The need statements below are listed by research categories and include the project champion and advisor. Preliminary literature searches are attached to each need statement. These were conducted by the MnDOT Library for the purposes of developing the research need statements and to avoid duplication of research. They are not a comprehensive literature search for the development of the project proposal.

Category Need statement Champion Advisor
Environmental 738: Improvement of and Assessment of Soil Health on MnDOT Construction Projects Warren Tuel David Glyer
744: Innovative Solutions for Stormwater Solutions for Linear Projects Lon Aune Jackie Jiran
746: Feasibility of LED Solar Street Lighting Nick Peterson Jackie Jiran
748: Benefits of Voluntary Conservation Agreements for ROW Management to Improve Habitat for Threatened or Protected Species Anthony Sellner Jackie Jiran
Maintenance Operations 729: Utilizing Hydrogen Fuel Technology for Fleets Cole Norgaarden David Glyer
Materials and Construction 710: Feasibility of InSAR for Continuous Monitoring of Ground Deformation and Performance Tracking of Geotechnical Assets Raul Velasquez Marcus Bekele
731: Evaluating and Implementing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Continuous and Rapid Monitoring of Moisture Fluctuations in In-Service Roads Eyoab Zegeye, Amy Thorson Jackie Jiran
740: Are Current Rigid Pavement Roundabout Designs Working in Minnesota? Joseph Podolsky Jackie Jiran
742: Holistic Design and Selection Criteria for Unbound Geomaterials Used in Pavement Systems Ceren Aydin Jackie Jiran
747: Design Guidance and Best Practices for the Use of Light Fill Paul Sandy Jackie Jiran
Multimodal 733: Navigating Improved Outcomes With Transportation Corridor Rankings Nissa Tupper Barb Fraley
741: Characteristics of Conventional and Electric-Assisted Bicycles Hannah Pritchard Barb Fraley
743: Beyond Commuting, Everyday Carpooling Nicole Campbell Marcus Bekele
Policy and Planning 735: Equity in MnDOT Programming Gloria Jeff Barb Fraley
736: Leveraging Transportation Investments for Economic Development and Wealth Building Gloria Jeff Barb Fraley
739: Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Analysis of Qualitative Public Input Jeanne Aamodt Barb Fraley
745: Refining the Understanding of Parking Space Requirements and its Impact on Vehicle Miles Travelled Carla Stueve Jackie Jiran
Traffic and Safety 728: High Tension Cable Median Guardrail Expected Lifespan Kyle Lake Marcus Bekele
730: Use of Colors in Dynamic Message Signs for Both Travel Times and static Sign Simulation Terry Haukom Marcus Bekele
749: Evaluation of Driver Speeds After Implementation of Speed Limit Reduction on Urban Streets Victor Lund Jackie Jiran