Minnesota Department of Transportation

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The MnDOT construction group is responsible for assisting with the review of utility relocation plans and coordinating the placement and relocation of utilities during construction. They also are responsible for the daily inspection of work to ensure its compliance with plans and specifications for monitoring progress as a means for justifying payment. The construction group includes the construction resident engineers, construction project engineers, field engineers, inspectors, and field crews.

  • Construction checklist (RTF) - Use this checklist to ensure that you complete all steps in the utility relocation process


While more utility relocations are taking place before construction begins, it is not always possible to complete all utility relocations in advance. Contractors will continue to play an important role in helping facilitate successful utility relocations. Contractors work closely with their construction group representative on utility-related concerns.

  • Contractor's guide (PDF) - Includes more information for contractors about utility relocations


Are there any changes to the utility coordination process that impact construction?

The construction group’s responsibilities and process remain the same and are outlined in the Utility Accommodation and Coordination Manual (PDF). In one change of note, MnDOT is now asking the utility owner to submit the Field Engineer’s Certification for approval before sending their final invoice. The utility owner will receive its copy of the Field Engineer’s Certification (DOC) with its copy of the agreement. The utility owner submits the form to the Field Engineer for approval and signature. If the relocation work is complete and acceptable, the Field Engineer signs the form. If there are outstanding issues, the Field Engineer holds the certification until all of those issues have been resolved. The utility owner must submit the signed Field Engineer’s Certification with its final invoice.

What is the involvement of the Construction Group in the design process?

The Construction Group reviews the relocation plans, schedules, and permit applications and also may participate in design meetings with utility owners.

What meetings with utility owners are required?

On projects that involve complex utility relocation requirements, the construction group schedules pre-letting meetings and invites plan holders, as well as local government agencies, if involved, and utility owners, to address relocation/adjustment requirements, issues/problems, and construction scheduling. In cases of excavation projects involving underground facilities, Minnesota statute requires at least one preconstruction meeting to communicate the project design and coordinate utility relocation. The construction group arranges the preconstruction meeting with utility owner representatives and the state contractor’s representatives sometime after the letting and before the start of construction work. The construction group or contractor also may call any additional utility meetings that may be useful particularly on complex projects with significant utility involvement.

What happens if a utility owner does not cooperate in the field?

The MnDOT dispute resolution process (DOCX) outlines the steps to be taken in the cases of unresponsive utility owners or utility owners who do not cooperate in the field.

Your thoughts

Do you have an idea for improving utility coordination or feedback on the MnDOT utility coordination process? Please share it with us.