The project will reconstruct the existing highway and includes the following:
Twelve-foot driving lanes and 10-foot parking lanes will be maintained on Hwy 210 from Hwy 73 to Burnett Road.
New storm sewer and curb and gutter to collect and convey stormwater runoff.
New sidewalk along Hwy 210 and along the west side of Hwy 73 adjacent to the Cromwell High School.
New lighting along Hwy 210.
Possible temporary easements and permanent right-of-way on Hwy 210 south of the Hwy 73 intersection is anticipated.
Public meetings
Upcoming meetings
MnDOT and the contractor will be holding weekly update meetings on Thursdays at 11 a.m. at the construction job trailer located at Carlton County’s salt shed at 1372 Highway 73 in Cromwell.