MnDOT Roadside plant guidance
Search for plants based on site characteristics such as topography, plant community, USDA hardiness zones, soil types, soil compaction and texture.
Search for plants based on vegetation characteristics, such as plant form and height, spread, textures, growth rate, foliage colors, flower colors, maintenance, insect and disease concerns and more.
MnDOT Seed Mixes & Vegetation Establishment Resources
MnDOT pollinator resources:
Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Resources :
Vegetation control methods:
Biological control – The use of natural plant enemies to reduce or mitigate the effects of noxious weeds
Pesticides – The use of a chemical to control unwanted vegetation
Mowing – The use of mowing equipment to reduce the height of vegetation
Prescribed fire – The use of controlled fire to manage fire dependent plant communities
Additional resources:
Sponsorship opportunities
Gateway landscaping at entrances to downtowns and commercial districts on state highways
Enhanced landscaping adjacent to businesses or corporate campuses
Pollinator habitat expansion
Roadside habitat maintenance and enhancement plantings for ground nesting species
Art and placemaking projects
Evaluating the aesthetics and visual quality of highway corridors
2025 Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155-1800
651-296-3000 Toll-free 800-657-3774