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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Historic Bridges

Bridge 3459

Bridge 3459

Bridge 3459

See features of the bridge

History and significance

Bridge 3459 was constructed in 1923-1924 by the Minnesota Department of Highways to carry present-day Trunk Highway (TH) 61. It now carries the Tettegouche State Park entrance road over the Baptism River in Beaver Bay Township, southeastern Lake County, Minnesota. The bridge is owned by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Trails. The five-span, Baltimore design deck-truss bridge has an overall structure length of 383 feet with a truss main span of 140 feet. There are four steel deck-plate-girder approach spans, two on either end of the main span. The 28-foot-wide timber deck includes a roadway with two traffic lanes and a cantilevered sidewalk. Following the re-routing of TH 61 in 1968 and re-opening of Bridge 3459 as a park/pedestrian bridge, major rehabilitation efforts were undertaken in 1970, 1986, and 2004.

Bridge 3459 is significant as a rare example of a deck-truss bridge in Minnesota.


Beaver Bay Township (Lake County)
Latitude, Longitude: 47.337157, -91.1999

Bridge features

Bridge 3459

Baltimore deck truss design and construction.