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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Report a pothole, graffiti and other roadside issues

On state highways in the Twin Cities Metro area

Report a pothole, graffiti or roadside issue on a state highway in the Twin Cities Metro area

On state highways in greater Minnesota

state map with district boundaries District 7 is the south central region of Minnesota District 2 is the northwestern region of Minnesota District 1 is the northeaster region of Minnesota District 3 is the central region of Minnesota District 4 is the west central region of Minnesota Metro area pothole report page District 6 is the southeastern region of Minnesota District 8 is the southwestern region of Minnesota Report a pothole, graffiti or roadside issue on greater Minnesota state highways to your regional MnDOT district office. Use the map or this list of cities to find your district office. Please call the main phone number for your district office to report the issue, or discuss other concerns about roads in the area.

On city or county roads

MnDOT is only responsible for fixing potholes, graffiti and roadside issues on state highways and interstates (PDF). If your issue isn't on a state highway or interstate, contact your city or county and let them know about issues near you.