Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Pavement Design

I-35, St. Louis Count Road 405

Pavement Design | LCCA Projects | D8 Current Projects

District 8 LCCA Projects

Public Review Process Completed

Project Number Route Letting Date Posted Date Comments End Document Links Comments
SP 4204-40 MN 19 12/6/2024 3/12/2025 4204-40 Documents
SP 3412-76 US 71, MN 23 4/23/2025 3/12/2025 3412-76 Documents
SP 4102-27 US 14 9/25/2026 10/8/2024 10/30/2024 4102-27 Documents 4102-27 Comments

District 8 Comments

SP 4102-27, US 14, Letting date 09/25/2026
Comment from Daniel Labo, Concrete Paving Association of Minnesota, djlabo@cpamn.com, 10/28/2024

Please analyze an alternative 35-year concrete design for white-topping. By my calculations: A 6" thick white-topping (which is commonly build by many counties, such as McLeod), would work well here, and it would be the low LCCA for this project (the CIR net present value would be appr. 105.3% more than 6" concrete). Will the district analyze this option to confirm? What are the results? If within 10%, would the district please proceed with concrete, or at least alternate bid?

Pavement Design Engineer response, 11/25/2024

I analyze a 7” doweled 35-year UBOL with 4” HMA mill for alternate #3 and the Present Net Worth was 154.2% of Low Cost. I analyze a 6” 35-year Whitetopping with 4” HMA mill for alternate #3 and the Present Net Worth was 126.1% of Low Cost.