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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-494: Airport to Highway 169

Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, Eden Prairie in Hennepin County

Environmental Assessment

I-494 between MSP International Airport and Highway 169 project location map

I-494: Airport to Hwy 169 project location map.

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An Environmental Assessment is a long process that evaluates the potential impacts of a project on the local community and natural environment.

The Environmental Assessment was provided for review and public comment between April 19 and June 13, 2022. We also held a meeting to review the Environmental Assessment on May 5, 2022. We are no longer taking comments on the I-494 Environmental Assessment.

The social, economic, and environmental impacts were analyzed and evaluated for the entire length of the I-494 corridor, and then separately for the improvements included in the first construction project.

Project staff reviewed stakeholder and public comments to the Environmental Assessment. The responses to comments and a decision from the federal government on a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued in August 2022. The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) provides responses to comments and a summary of the proposed project process.

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