Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

Visualizing SRTS in Minnesota

This map displays Safe Routes to School work in Minnesota funded by MnDOT and other sources, including infrastructure projects, plans, bike fleets, Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum trainees, participation in walk and bike encouragement events and more.

Download the 2022 – 2024 SRTS work funded by MnDOT sheet (XLS)

If you have a Safe Routes to School plan not on the list, please email MnDOT at saferoutes.dot@state.mn.us.

Since 2006, MnDOT has allocated nearly $40 million from state and federal sources to Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects in Minnesota. Local communities, Regional Development Organizations (RDOs), and the Minnesota Department of Health’s Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) have also supported additional plans, bike fleets, and more. This map displays the location of these projects and programs around the state, and includes useful layers to examine their geographic distribution.

  • Projects funded through MnDOT SRTS and TA solicitations including infrastructure, planning assistance, bicycle fleets, and more. Users can view award amounts, funding sources, project descriptions, and data on impacted schools including student population, school free and reduced lunch rate at the time of the award and more. Completed SRTS plans can be accessed from map pop-ups.
  • Plans and bicycle fleets funded through other sources, including SHIP
  • Schools participating in Walk to School Day, Bike to School Day, and Winter Walk to School Day
  • Cities that have hosted a Walk! Bike! Fun! Curriculum Training, and curriculum trainees around the state

  • Minnesota Recognized Tribal Lands
  • Senate Districts
  • House Districts
  • School Districts
  • Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) Grantees
  • MnDOT Districts
  • Regional Development Organizations