Grants and funding
Programs and grants are funded through the state non-infrastructure program, federal and Safe Routes to School transition funds designated for Safe Routes to School by MnDOT. They are subject to change as funding changes occur each year.
Planning assistance grants
Grants to schools and communities to develop comprehensive SRTS plans. Plans are completed by regional development organizations or a statewide SRTS consultant.
- Solicitation is currently closed
- Award notification: March 2025
- Project duration: July 2025 – June 30, 2026
- Next solicitation round Fall of 2026
SRTS Boost Grants
Our grant supports communities with existing plans or other comprehensive SRTS approaches to promote non-infrastructure projects for schools to keep walking and bicycling to school safe, easy, and fun for students.
- Solicitation is currently closed
- Award notification: March 2025
- Project duration: July 2025 – June 30, 2026
- Next solicitation round Fall of 2026
State funded SRTS Infrastructure Grants
Available statewide to communities to construct infrastructure that improves access and safety on prioritized routes to and at schools. Past grants have included sidewalks to schools, trails along state highways, and improved crossings on school walking routes. A SRTS plan is recommended to apply, no funding match required.
- Solicitation is currently closed
- Award notification: May 2025
Greater Minnesota Transportation Alternatives (infrastructure opportunity)
Safe Routes to School is an eligible program for the Transportation Alternatives Solicitation. Greater Minnesota communities are eligible to apply to this competitive infrastructure program. A SRTS plan is recommended to apply, 20 percent funding match required.
- Solicitation is currently closed
District Coordinator Grants
Our program will support coordinator positions in individual schools or districts. Coordinators will support communities with existing SRTS plans or other comprehensive approaches to advance non-infrastructure strategies that keep it safe, easy, and fun for students to walk and bicycle to school.
- Solicitation is currently closed
Metro Biennial Solicitation
Metro area applicants must submit a letter of intent describing the key components of their project. A MET Council representative will contact applicants to help review the project proposal and the steps necessary for delivering a federally funded project prior to local communities and regional agencies submitting a full grant application.
- Solicitation is currently closed
Technical Assistance
Training and technical assistance to communities implementing Safe Routes to School strategies are often available here. They are subject to change.
Demonstration Project Technical Assistance
Technical assistance is available to support communities with existing plans or other comprehensive approaches to start the planning process, design, and implement demonstration projects.
- Solicitation is currently closed
Design Assistance
Design assistance bridges the gap between safe routes to school plan strategies and implementation.
- Solicitation is currently closed
- Award notification: March 2025
- Project duration: July 2025 – June 30, 2026
The schedule, programs, and grant funding levels were developed by MnDOT under advisory from the SRTS Steering Committee. Sign up for our MnDOT SRTS email list for updates on funding opportunities and more.
Federal funds
Safe Routes to School was a stand along federal program from 2005-2012, federal funding was distributed to every state. In 2012, the federal Safe Routes to School program was replaced with the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), a program which SRTS projects are eligible to apply for. More info can be found on TAP and future Minnesota TAP solicitations on the TAP website. Additional federal funds were designated for Safe Routes to School by MnDOT leadership to transition between the original program and the changing funding sources. These federal funds require a 20 percent match.
State funds
In 2012, the Minnesota State Legislature created a state Safe Routes to School program modeled after the federal program (Minnesota State Statute 174.40). In 2013, the state invested $250,000/year in non-infrastructure programs from the general fund. In 2014, the state increased this to $500,000/year and also provided a $1 million one-time investment of infrastructure funding. The legislature has repeated the $1 million dollar investment each biennium, those funds continue to fund non-infrastructure strategies through the Safe Routes to School program at MnDOT. Additionally, $1 million from the general fund was invested by the state legislature for SRTS infrastructure projects. An infrastructure solicitation for $1 million was held in 2015. In 2017, the state legislature again put $1 milli