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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Complete Streets


MnDOT is a Complete Streets leader. In 2013, we were one of the first DOTs in the country to develop a statewide policy. The policy ensures compliance with Minnesota Statutes §174.75 which directs MnDOT to implement a Complete Streets policy. The policy also supports the goals for the transportation system in Minnesota Statutes §174.01 and our mission, the Minnesota GO Vision, and the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan. We updated the policy in 2016 to establish a reporting process and in 2022 to provide a baseline transportation hierarchy.

As defined by Minnesota Statutes §174.75, "Complete Streets" is the planning, scoping, design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of roads in order to reasonably address the safety and accessibility needs of users of all ages and abilities. Complete streets consider the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists, commercial vehicles, and emergency vehicles moving along and across roads, intersections, and crossings. It is sensitive to local context and recognizes that needs vary across urban, suburban, and rural settings.