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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

London Road/Hwy 61

St. Louis County

Demonstration project

During the summer of 2022, we have installed temporary pedestrian enhancements at 36th Avenue East and 60th Avenue East intersections to show what permanent improvements could look like. Enhancements include center refuge islands for pedestrians trying to cross the road, curb bump-outs to slow traffic and give pedestrians a shorter distance to cross in traffic, additional pedestrian crossing signs and more.

These enhancements will stay in place until October and be removed for the winter season. If successful, they will be installed the following summers until permanent enhancements can be installed with the 2026-27 project.

London Road 36th Avenue East

MnDOT has installed temporary curb bump-outs and a center refuge for pedestrians to more safely cross London Road at 36th Avenue East.

London Road 60th Avenue East

MnDOT crew installing pedestrian safety enhancements at the intersection of London Road and 60th Avenue East.

London Road 60th Avenue East

A temporary center refuge for pedestrians has been installed at London Road and 60th Avenue East.

London Road 60th Avenue East

A vehicle passes by the temporary pedestrian safety enhancements at the intersection of London Road and 60th Avenue East.