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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 23—Milaca

Mille Lacs County

Develop project

Over the next few years, we'll finalize the highway design, complete the environmental process and deliver construction plans. Work is scheduled for 2027–2028.

Let's talk transportation

MnDOT received great feedback on the Hwy 23 road design and layout. Visit the project's interactive public engagement site to learn more.

Road design photos

Click each section to see the road design in that area.

  1. Hwy 23 between the school and 2nd Ave. SW (2023)
  2. Hwy 23 between 2nd Ave. SW and 4th St. SE (2023)
  3. Hwy 23 between 4th St. SE and 3rd St. SE (2023)
  4. Hwy 23 between 3rd St. SE and 2nd St. SE (2023)
  5. Hwy 23 between 2nd St. SE and Hwy 169 southbound ramps (2023)
  6. Hwy 23 and Hwy 169 interchange (2023)
  7. Hwy 23 between 110th Ave. and 105th Ave. (2023)


Corridor study - complete

MnDOT, in partnership with Mille Lacs County and the City of Milaca, completed a 2021 corridor study to identify improvement needs along Hwy 23 between the Rum River Bridge to Co. Rd. 2 (105th Ave.) in Milaca.

The study sought ways to improve traffic flow, safety and multi-modal use to meet the growing needs of the Milaca community. Overall feedback and information gathered in the 2021 corridor study: