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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 10—Randall

Morrison County

New safer accesses open

All lanes and new J-turn accesses are open. MnDOT thanks the Randall community and traveling public for their patience during the project.

Due to material delays, crews will return in early December to install new street lighting; motorists may encounter minimal lane or shoulder closures. Watch for workers and equipment, and be prepared to stop or slow down.

About this 2024 project

MnDOT will improve access and safety along both directions of Hwy 10 through Randall, which includes two J-turn intersections at Morrison Co. Rd. 14 and Hwy 115.

Hwy 115/80th Ave and Hwy 10 access Co Rd 104  at Hwy 10 Co Rd 14 and Hwy 10 access
Improve access in Randall. Select map to enlarge

Summary of work

  • Reconstruct the Hwy 10 access at Morrison Co. Rd. 14 with a J-turn design
  • Close and remove the Hwy 10 median crossover at Co. Rd. 104 and Willow Ln.
    • Note: Motorists will turn right and make a U-turn at the next median access
  • Reconstruct the Hwy 10 access at Hwy 115/80th Ave. with a J-turn design
  • Make other updates, as warranted

About J-turns

J-turns, also known as reduced conflict intersections, are a driving movement proven to reduce serious and fatal crashes caused by “T-bone” crashes at intersections. When using J-turns, drivers focus on one direction of traffic at a time. Learn more about J-turns in Minnesota

Illustration shows how the motorist would safely navigate and access both directions of Hwy 10 or continue across on local roads
1 Stop and yield to vehicles in both lanes to your left 2 Crossover into the lane in the median 3 Yield to vehicles in both lanes to your right 4 Make a U-turn and head towards your destination 5 Either continue through the intersection or turn right

How to use J-turns

  1. Stop and yield to vehicles in both lanes to your left
  2. Crossover into the lane in the median
  3. Yield to vehicles in both lanes to your right
  4. Make a U-turn and head towards your destination
  5. Either continue through the intersection or turn right